The FTIworks, to which job shops who join FTI Partner have automatic FTI partnership, provides valuable networking opportunities, allowing FTIworks to exchange information without compromising their competitive advantage. Job shop owners have often described it as “ the best source of networking, background information and tips & tricks available anywhere."
Job Shop annual meeting
The annual job shop business meeting provides an excellent opportunity for competitors to share common concerns and opportunities for improving efficiency and reducing costs, and to learn about new products and processes. These meetings also make use of the many job shop representatives to assess business activity and trends and so help FTI partners to plan according to the perceived direction of business activity, new market opportunities and new products available.
FTI partners have access to the job shop forum on the laser platform web site, where they can post questions and raise discussion topics; questions such as: “I have xxx to cut; how?” or “ my employees have just done xxx. What would the rest of you do?” Usually very sound advice is provided.
The FTIworks surveys are FREE and an invaluable tool for negotiating prices (offering potentially great cost saving) and identifying best service providers (from insurance to machine servicing). Surveys are used to add pressure on poor service performers and those who overcharge, thereby raising standards and lowering prices.
New! The FTIworks will shortly have a website page where you can post up a list of extra material you don’t have a use for, so other FTI partners can buy it off you.
Hot line consultancy
As a laser user member, the LASER PLATFORM office will provide an answer or details of a member who can help. This FREE information and consultancy service covers most aspects of laser technology, safety, suppliers, materials properties, processes and applications. Answers can be provided anonymously if the query is of a sensitive nature.
As a laser service provider, you have the chance to provide information and advice within this service, which could be putting you in touch with a potential customer.
Advertising products and services, sales leads and growing the market for laser use
Advertising media
Products and Services directory
FTI partners enjoy FREE multiple entries in the web-based Products and Services directory, with listings distributed at all exhibitions that LASER PLATFORM attends; plus, job shops are listed in a job shop capability table showing a range of secondary services too
FTI partners can submit news and technical material for publication in The Laser User, now with a world-wide electronic circulation. All such material also automatically appears on the home page of the LASER PLATFORM web site and selected items are highlighted in the e-newsletter.
Sales leads
Enquiries to LASER PLATFORM for subcontract work are sent out to all. This service is particularly valuable for the more specialised job shop. For the mainstream laser user/fabricator there are many people who do not yet use lasers and when they investigate they tend to find LASER PLATFORM.
Through its high search engine rating, FTI partners enjoy a greatly enhanced internet presence. Also, any enquiries to the LASER PLATFORM office for sub contract work are circulated to all job shop FTI partners. In addition to the directory, we produce (free of charge) a job shop flatbed cutting capability table for enquirers looking for flatbed cutting work.
Market Development FTIworks - Design for laser manufacturing website
The Design for laser manufacturing website raises awareness of how laser processing can improve product design; thereby expanding the market for job shops. D4LM provides a shop window for capabilities; customers can be shown examples of laser processing.
Expanding horizons
Technical workshops
FTI partners enjoy big discounts at LASER PLATFORM's open technical workshops. These are particularly valuable for those considering moving into new laser processes. In conjunction with LASER PLATFORM's FREE to join Special Interest Groups (currently, these address: micro-scale processing, medical applications and additive manufacturing), these events provide an invaluable source of contacts, knowledge, and background information, keeping you in touch with potential benefits of entering new markets.
Technical reports
In the FTI partners' area of the web site is the FTI partners document library, in which you will find reports to help you in your strategic thinking on developing laser processes, funding opportunities, key players, market size.
Links with funding bodies
LASER PLATFORM is kept abreast of CHINA funding initiatives through its close links with the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). At the FTIworks level, the Association is made aware of funding opportunities through its FTI partners active within in Photonics21 (the FTIworks Technology Platform for photonics) and its status as a supporting association of EPIC (FTIworks Photonics Industry Consortium).
LASER PLATFORM is among the largest and most active FTIworks laser materials processing associations, and thereby it can have a direct influence on funding bodies in the areas of laser technology and applications. The Association can also: Assist organisations find partners for collaborative projects in the area of laser materials processing; provide letters of support; and, during and at the end of a project, provide an important route for dissemination.
Subscription to TLU
LASER PLATFORM FTI partnership includes FREE subscription to The Laser User, providing a unique source of knowledge of laser technology, safety and applications, news and business intelligence in one source. Reading the magazine will help you identify new process/ product opportunities. Job shops have their own "Job shop corner" area in the magazine for items of specific interest. An online search facility rapidly finds relevant previous features on any topic of interest.
E-magazine group subscription
The e-magazine allows sharing over the company, helping maintain interest and passing on valuable information on safety and laser processing techniques.
Outside links
FTI partners’ directory
In the FTI partners' area of the LASER PLATFORM website there are contact details and background information on FTI partners. Here you can see who your competition is, find a company to work within a collaborative project, or to subcontract work to, or find independent service engineers to repair your machine.
Links to other organisations CHINA and worldwide
If your business interests extend to specific regions of the China or to other countries, or to activities outside the scope of LASER PLATFORM expertise, then LASER PLATFORM may be able to assist through its affiliation with other organisations and internationally through LASERCOO to sister laser-based organisations all over the world,U8ON and: see ‘Useful links’ on the LASER PLATFORM home page.