Laser Quantum is a world-class manufacturer of high-quality continuous wave and ultrafast laser sources. Our products are known for their reliability, compactness, performance-excellence and long operational lifetimes. You will find our products, with their patented technology, in laboratories and integrated into systems and machines worldwide, for numerous applications. Meeting the needs of each application is essential in the research and design to achieve exceptional lasers.
Laser Quantum is now part of Novanta, a trusted technology partner to OEMs in the medical and advanced industrial technology markets, with deep proprietary expertise in photonics, vision and precision motion technologies. Initially formed in the 1990s by three PhD physicists from the University of Manchester, England, we have since grown rapidly into a globally recognised company, renowned for scientific advances to the photonics market. We have not only developed through organic growth, but also through the acquisition of two companies. Together we unite the principles of robust design and cutting-edge technology, in the fields of continuous wave, GHz, few-cycle pulses and amplification.
The helixx is a variable wavelength laser with an output beam that can be controlled between 720 nm and 920 nm via a simple touch screen panel. With a repetition rate of 250 MHz, the helixx is unique in the market and an ideal laser for two photon microscopy.
The gem is a high specification, single transverse mode CW green laser, making it ideal for Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and for integration into OEM packages in general, and can be equipped with fibre-delivery. The gem 532 is very compact, capable of up to 2 W and offers a highly stable, diffraction limited beam.
The opus 532 is a premium 532 nm green laser product with excellent beam parameters, sophisticated software and control interface. Each opus includes our RemoteApp technology that allows the user a full, remote computer interface. With near-unity M-squared and excellent power stability in a rugged, patented design, the opus is an exceptional laser designed for demanding applications.
The taccor comb consists of a powerful 1 GHz turn-key Ti:sapphire laser with a matched dispersion compensation module, super-continuum generation and ultra-stable f-to-2f interferometer. It provides a long-term stable electrical output signal at the carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency with at least 35 dB signal-to-noise ratio in 100 kHz bandwidth that is phase-locked to an RF reference with electronics from our partner Menlo Systems. Tight locking of the mode spacing is accomplished using the TL-1000 repetition stabilisation unit. An optional supercontinuum generation module is available to create stable comb light between 520 nm and 1200 nm.
The gecco is a femtosecond laser with an exceptionally robust mechanical design in a sealed housing comprising a proprietary mechanism to self-start, monitor and maintain its mode-locking. It is available in a choice of pulse durations, powers and repetition rates to suit many applications.
The HASSP-THz is a time-domain THz transmission spectrometer with 1 GHz spectral resolution and a spectral coverage in excess of 6 THz for scientific applications. The system uses high-speed asynchronous optical sampling as enabling technology and thus operates without mechanical delay line at up to 10 kHz scan rate.
The ventus has become the laser of choice in the scientific industry. With its compact size and RMS noise of
The axiom 532 and axiom 660 have an integrated diode pump in head making the laser easy to incorporate into equipment without the complexity of using a fibre cable. The axiom 532 has a power range between 4 -12 W, noise stability