



WDI-Wise Device Inc

发布时间:2019-09-17 16:02


WDI designs, engineers and manufactures innovative microscopy automation solutions. Solutions include OEM components as well as complete optomechanical and optoelectronic sub-systems. Our products range from compact autofocus sensors and automated microscopy modules to end user IR imaging systems. WDI’s technology helps individuals and companies in a wide variety of industries including Life Science, Biomedical Imaging, Machine Vision and Electronics/Semiconductor Manufacturing. Our solutions are currently used by well know organizations such as Corning, Apple, Samsung and LG.


WDI’s mission is to be a global leader in the supply of advanced optical microscopy autofocus and automation solutions through technological innovation and enhancement of customer productivity. The specialized knowledge, skills and experience of our dedicated team allow WDI to achieve this goal and meet the ever-changing needs of customers. WDI is committed to creating value through the relationships we build with our partners and customers by providing superior products, service and support.


The foundation to WDIs success lies in three principles; Precision, Focus and Automation.

WDI’s emphasis on Precision in design, engineering, assembly and testing results in superior products and technology. Applying precision in all aspects of our business ultimately leads to customer satisfaction in components, systems and service.

WDI’s main Focus is to deliver superior microscopy automation solutions. Success comes from focusing on building strong relationships with customers and partners, continually innovating our technology and constantly improving our manufacturing and business processes.

WDI’s knowledge and experience in Automation technology and methods allows us to develop components and systems tailored to customer needs. The understanding of automation and its impact on applications and industry permits rapid engineering and manufacture of unique solutions.


The core of WDI’s technology is our autonomous digital autofocus sensor (ATF) which may be integrated to existing customer supplied or WDI microscope systems. To meet the demands of a wide variety of applications, several sensor models are available, each with its own set of options depending on specific requirements. WDI’s ATF technology is used worldwide in many environments including flat panel display, electronics and semiconductor manufacturing. Our products are also found in biomedical research and imaging automation applications.

All sensors feature:

“Smart Sensor Architecture” (SSA)which incorporates a semiconductor laser, CMOS image sensor, FPGA andmicroprocessor

High speed, high accuracy, reliableand repeatable performance

The ability to maintains focus on awide variety of surfaces and substrates that are stationary or moving in realtime.

A variety of integration, controland performance options making them adaptable to a wide range of complexapplications and demanding environments


  • Coupled with our ATF technology WDIdesigns and manufactures a diverse range of microscopy automation components(MMS) which may be used “stand alone” or part of a complete imaging system. Thefull line of MMS components include various models of automated linear lenschangers, Z-Axis actuators and illuminators as well as microscope bodies, tubelenses and camera mounts.

    All MMS products and systemsfeature:

    High performance industrial designadaptable to any application and manufacturing environment.

    Precision optical and automationcomponents which are light weight and have a small footprint.
    Modularityallowing ease of integration with third party optical components and systemsincluding those from Navitar, Mitutoyo, Excelitas, Olympus, and Nikon


  • For more demanding industrial microscopy imaging applications and those processeswhich require a laser for micro machining, trimming or repair WDI hasengineered a line automated optical inspection and laser micro machiningmicroscopes (MIC). Like the Modular Microscope System the MIC line easilyintegrates with WDIs technology to create a fully autonomous systemencompassing focus, illumination, and lens actuation.

    Materials and a design suited to meet the demands of modern highspeedmanufacturing in the LCD, LED, OLED, and semiconductor industries in terms ofimage quality, system stability, reliability and speed

    The capability for both static and highspeedscanning applications

    The ability to be configured with a laser port and internal optics to allow 2, 3,or 4 laser wavelengths with minimal loss to laser power at the target


    Inresponse to the demands of semiconductor manufacturers for an instrumentcapable of imaging within a wafer or device in a non-destructive manner, WDIdesigned and manufactured an automated Infrared Laser Confocal Microscope(IRLC). The IRLC allows subsurface and interior inspection of silicon wafersand devices, permitting the imaging of internal structures at sub-micronresolution.

    TheIRLC features:

    Near-IRlaserand IR optics coupled with confocal scanning technology ideal fornon-destructive subsurface interior investigation of silicon wafers, IC chips,MEMS, Solar Panels, and other devices

    A fullautomation package consisting of a motorized XY stage, objective lens turret,illumination, focus and Z position and laser attenuation

    Powerfulyet intuitive software, designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiencyof the inspection and review processes

    Optionalautomationand recipe software, allowing the system to conduct completely automatedinspection routines on individual devices or complete wafers and/or IC stripand tray packages


    At WDI we understand that unique applications and end customer requirements maynot be satisfied by standard systems and components. To meet this need WDI has built a Microscopy Application & Support Team (MAST) who collectivelypossesses decades of microscopy, application and engineering knowledge as wellas real world experience. The team is able to over come technical, automation, integration issues and ultimately design and deliver unique customized autofocus and microscopy solutions.

    The MAST group:

    Consists of full time scientists and accredited professional engineers from a number of disciplines,including mechanical, electrical, optical, software and automation

    Allows customers to discuss their requirements and needs with skilled specialists who understand both their application and the unique challenges they face

    Is able to over come technical, automation, and integration issues

    Engineers,designs and supports unique customized autofocus and microscopy automation solutions





