




发布时间:2020-02-25 19:20

We co-fund industry-led research to deliver innovative manufacturing outcomes

We co-fund

We co-fund industry-led manufacturing research projects by matching industry cash contributions dollar for dollar, thus catalysing the opportunity for transformative outcomes and de-risking the R&D investment.

A $40 million investment from the Commonwealth enables us to support research collaboration between industry and the Australian research community, with manufacturing research projects that run ideally between two and four years in duration.

We welcome project applications in the range of $250,000 to $3 million total cash contribution from industry and eligible for matching IMCRC funds(which creates a total project cash investment of $500,000 to $6 million).

In line with and the  project assessment criteria, all projects must:

  • Be industry led, deliver clear manufacturing outcomes, and involve innovative and advanced manufacturing (ideally within a key growth sector)
  • Demonstrate genuine collaboration, including with SMEs, and also with Growth Centres and other CRCs
  • Create opportunities to access global supply chains
  • Deliver wider/multiplier benefits to Australian manufacturing industry
  • Contribute to the sector transformation and sustainability
  • Require high quality research with Universities, CSIRO and/or other research organisations in Australia, and facilitates PhD student scholarships
  • Have a clear IP utilisation/commercialisation plan and return on investment (IMCRC does not own Project IP – ownership is determined between the industry and research participants where it can most effectively be commercialised)
  • Have a clear business innovation and transformation plan and/or Industry 4.0 adoption plan. IMCRC is developing education and training materials and methodology to facilitate this.

Research organisations which are not formal participants in the IMCRC will be expected to match the IMCRC cash contribution per project.

https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-345x345_Cofund-150x150.png 150w, https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-345x345_Cofund-300x300.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 345px) 100vw, 345px" data-dt-location="https://www.imcrc.org/funding/icon-345x345_cofund/" width="345" height="345">

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https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-345x345_Collaborate-150x150.png 150w, https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-345x345_Collaborate-300x300.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 345px) 100vw, 345px" data-dt-location="https://www.imcrc.org/funding/icon-345x345_collaborate/" width="345" height="345">

We connect and collaborate

We seek to understand your business. By examining your performance, costs and processes to find opportunities for you to grow and take advantage of new technologies and societal trends, through:

  • Helping you identify your research needs, linked to your key value drivers and challenges you face
  • Connecting with you and your partners to explore new opportunities
  • Matching you with research organisations and universities to take advantage of knowledge, expertise and the latest technology
  • Focusing on value creation, sustainable performance and long-term ROI.

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We educate and raise awareness

A skilled and educated sector has a significant impact on the ability of Australian manufacturing to compete globally.

With Industry 4.0 and the increased importance of digital technology and technology utilisation, businesses need to build their R&D capabilities, as well as develop expertise in data analytics and product design.

Businesses need qualified, computer-savvy factory workers and agile managers to participate in complex global supply chains.

As part of IMCRC’s Industrial Transformation Program and through our research projects we support public–private partnerships that close the skill gap and create industry-based training, and on-the-job learning opportunities. We will help SMEs so that they are better informed to develop appropriate strategies and make data driven investment decisions.

https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-315x315_Educate-150x150.png 150w, https://www.imcrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/icon-315x315_Educate-300x300.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 345px) 100vw, 345px" data-dt-location="https://www.imcrc.org/funding/icon-315x315_educate/" width="345" height="345">

