



美国西部光电展-美西展-SPIE PHOTONICS WEST 2020

发布时间:2020-02-06 21:51



展馆名称旧金山 The Moscone Center


美国西部光电展Photonics West 已经成为北美地区规模最大的光学领域贸易博览会,也是光电子行业全球数一数二的知名展览会。依托加州硅谷的地理优势、技术优势和人气优势,展览会自创办以来一直稳步发展,近几年的成果更是令人瞩目。历届西部光电展中,亚洲企业、特别是中国企业,成为参展增长最为显著的一个群体。

技术、潮流、创新成为该展会的核心吸引力与突出价值,在这里可以面对面接触到更多的科技和先进技术。作为行业大展,历年都吸引众多高端专业人士的另一个重要原因在于展会同期举行由 SPIE 主办的多场学术交流会,学术气氛胜过世界同类展览会。


美国西部光电展(Photonics West)是一年一度的全球光电盛会,业内顶尖的科学家、工程师,全球的知名光电科技厂商等都会在短短几天之内,从世界各地云集于此。


有如此大的规模和影响力,以及如此专业的水平,也因为西部光电展的主办方就是大名鼎鼎的SPIE(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,国际光学工程学会)啦!

2020 年美国西部光电展展品范围:

▼ 光学元件、光显示、红外技术

▼ 光电印刷、光学制造技术

▼ 感应器件、光学测试测量技术

▼ 激光及光电子

▼ 光通讯、光学成像

▼ 生产工程设计

▼ 光学技术在医疗行业的应用

▼ 数据处理硬件,纤维光学及配件

▼ 镜片、过滤器、滤光片、相机

2020 年美国西部光电展市场情报:

▼ 美国光电产业的集中度很高,大型厂商透过垂直整合,形成庞大的生产体系,这类大厂占全美光电厂商总数虽不及 10%,但却占有超过 85%以上的产值。其余为数 90%以上的小型光电厂商规模虽不大,但大多有明确的产品定位,掌握关键技术,业绩亦不俗;

▼ 美国希望光电产业能以每年 25%的速度不断增长,到 2020 年,光电能源能够在美国的全部能源消耗中占 15%。在“美国光电产业 21 世纪发展目标”中要完成四大任务:使美国光电产业在全球处于领先地位;在光电能源转换技术方面夺取竞争优势;光电产业市场占有率和产品增长率持续发展;使光电产业对投资者具有更大的吸引力;

▼ 美国国防的需求是光电产业发展的一大动力。90 年代初期,美国对于光电子产业技术研究的直接投入平均每年达到约 20 亿美元,但主要集中在军事技术。在已经推出的“机载激光器”计划中,美国政府在 1996-2002 年投入 11 亿美元用于对大功率激光器的研究,而且这样的投入力度在未来的 30 年不会改变。在随后推出的“基于空间的激光器”研究计划中,政府每年也提供 1 亿美元的研究资金;

▼ 2015 年中国超过加拿大成为美国第一大贸易伙伴。据经济师分析,中国赶超上来的原因是美国从中国进口的贸易增长迅猛。早在 1984 年时,美国从中国进口的贸易量只占美国进口贸易的1%,而在 2000 年时,进口量上升到 8%,如今更增长到了 21%。

2020 年美国西部光电展展会亮点:

1.北美最大最具影响力的光学领域贸易博览会,展馆面积达到 40000 平方米。

2.汇集全球 1380 多家参展企业,约 23000 人次参加了展会,展会现场 200 多个新产品面世。


4.展会同期举行由 SPIE 主办的多场学术交流会,学术气氛胜过世界同类展览会。



Photonics West is about people sharing important research and the latest advancements to help move projects and technology into the future. It is about the thousands of visitors who flood the two world-class exhibitions, where smart business people from over 1,500 companies showcase their best products and services. And at the end of the day it is a great way to stay connected to colleagues, develop new relationships, and meet other like-minded people focused on these exciting technologies.

Welcome to San Francisco
SPIE Photonics West is open and ready for business. Over 1300 exhibiting companies are at their booths with the latest in optics and photonics technology. We welcome you to the Moscone Center and are pleased to provide a safe and world-class event for all of our attendees.

The SPIE Conferences App has the most up to date information and can help navigate the busy schedule of events. Welcome to San Francisco and Photonics West 2020.

Welcome to San Francisco. Each year more than 22,000 people attend the premier event for the photonics and laser communities. They come to hear cutting-edge research, find the latest products and services, and network with thousands of other like-minded individuals. 2020 is going to be another great event.

Make the most of your time this week by checking out the top things to do each day. And then take a look at the photo galleries to see everything happening, you may even see yourself or someone you know.

Top things to do today: check it out so you don't miss out

Photonics West is a busy week and this year is shaping up to be the biggest and best year yet. The program is so full, it can be hard to decide what to do. Here are some of the top things to see and do each day while attending the 2020 event.

For the full schedule, see the technical program and exhibition guide or download the SPIE Conferences app. Events indicated with * require full conference registration. 

Wednesday 5 February 2020

9:30 AM - 11:30 AMSPIE Startup Challenge Finals – Healthcare
10:00 AM - 5:00 PMPhotonics West Exhibition and Job Fair
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Lasers in Manufacturing
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch & Learn: Growth Mindset Leadership
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM SPIE Startup Challenge Finals – Deep Tech
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Photonics Mobility Forum
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM SPIE Startup Challenge Awards & Reception
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM OPTO Poster Session*
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM PRISM Awards Ceremony & Banquet²

Thursday 6 February 2020

10:00 AM - 5:00 PMPhotonics West Exhibition
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM Industry Update: Trends and Outlook
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM Public Policy Update: Export Control, Advocacy, and More
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Prism Awards Winners Panel
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch & Learn: Diversity in the Workplace

  *Requires Photonics West full registration
  ¹Requires an AR, VR, MR badge or full Photonics West registration badge
  ²Tickets required

What's happening this week? See photos and read news

Get the latest details from the event. View photos taken throughout the week and read Photonics West related articles posted throughout the week.

View the 2020 photo galleries

Read the latest SPIE News

Watch the plenary presentations



