



this wafer marking project.

发布时间:2019-07-07 08:30

Hello everyone,

Thanks for your support, we will try our best for this wafer marking project.

We provide a PCI card for laser marking and industrial PC with windows OS .We will help you to set up laser marking parameter and provide a few days training. You can create new recipe and save as a template by marking machine software after training, but we only can input content by keyboard or regular files.

We should develop software if you want to tie it to your process flow, we could assume marking machine as a printer, printer can read content which you send one by one, then print base on template, and give feedback to message host.

It is a little difficult to write software for you to extract a right ID number and yield from database to the wafer which will be marked by laser machine, because every wafer is same from appearance.

I can show you a customized developed software interface of marking mate as a reference.







Template setting (FTI’ s job ):


Laser setting


Galvo scanner setting


Marking content setting (#input_text, #input_barcode)


DM code setting


We can discuss with our software partner if you need more information .




