激光加工技术作为重要的先进制造技术之一已广泛应用于众多的工业制造领域. 利用激光直写技术进行材料加工时, 其所能达到的加工分辨率一直受到经典光学理论衍射极限的限制, 难于进行纳米尺度的加工. 飞秒脉冲激光的出现不仅为研究光与物质相互作用的超快过程提供了手段, 也为发展先进的微纳米加工技术提供了不可多得的光源. 近年来, 作为最新的激光加工技术之一的飞秒脉冲激光多光子微纳加工技术已成为国际上研究的热点.该技术利用多光子效应和激光与物质作用的阈值效应, 成功地实现了纳米尺度的激光直写加工分辨率, 可望在功能性微纳器件制备等纳米技术领域发挥重要作用, 具有广阔的应用前景.
50 多年来光刻技术一直占据微纳米加工技术的统治地位. 传统的光刻技术通常为单光子平面曝光,要想获得三维结构需要将三维结构分割成许多二维结构, 将光束按照二维图形进行扫描, 光束焦点经过的地方产生作用, 可形成相应的二维结构, 用相同方法制备第二层结构, 最终得到需要制作的三维结构.由于普通光刻技术加工分辨率受到经典光学衍射极限的限制, 为了得到更高的分辨率, 光刻技术使用的光源波长从红外发展到深紫外, 加工方法从普通的激光刻蚀, 发展到 X 射线刻蚀、电子束刻蚀、离子束刻蚀、纳米图形转印等. 这些加工技术通过平面工艺、 探针工艺或模型工艺可以制备二维平面结构或准三维结构. 近年来, 多光束干涉被用来制备较大面积的周期性的二维及三维结构. 理论计算表明,只要适当选择光束数量、入射角方向及相位等条件,所有的 14 种布拉伐格子的周期性晶格结构都可以由多光束干涉实现, 但是对于进行纳米尺度任意复杂三维结构的加工, 单光子平面曝光及多光束干涉都无能为力. 飞秒脉冲激光双光子微纳加工技术是集超快激光技术、显微技术、超高精度定位技术、三维图形 CAD 制作技术及光化学材料技术于一体的新型超微细加工技术, 具有简单、低成本、高分辨率、真三维等特点[1] .
近年来, 作为最新的激光加工技术之一的飞秒脉冲激光多光子微纳加工技术已成为国际上研究的热点.该技术利用多光子效应和激光与物质作用的阈值效应, 成功地实现了纳米尺度的激光直写加工分辨率, 可望在功能性微纳器件制备等纳米技术领域发挥重要作用, 具有广阔的应用前景. 在 2001 年日本科学家利用飞秒脉冲激光双光子聚合技术首次突破衍射极限获得 120 nm的加工分辨率后, 最近我国科学家实现了 15 nm 线宽的纳米尺度加工分辨率. 在利用多光束并行加工技术进行快速、大批量微纳结构加工的同时, 最新发展的多光束组合技术实现了多部件组合加工、一次成型, 解决了微尺度零部件组装难题, 为微纳尺度器件及微机电系统的开发提供了具有实用化前景的加工方法与途径. 利用飞秒脉冲激光双光子微纳加工技术的高精度、良好的空间分辨率和真三维加工能力的特点, 各国科学家制备出了各种微尺度光子学器件及微机电系统, 充分展示了该技术的应用前景. 随着对飞秒脉冲激光与物质相互作用机理、加工技术及相关材料技术的深入研究, 飞秒脉冲微纳加工技术必将获得快速发展, 并在先进纳米制造领域获得新的突破[1] 。
双光子光聚合可以用来实现任意复杂的三维结构制备. 1997 年, 日本大阪大学 Kawata 教授研究组首次将双光子聚合用到三维结构的制备上, 实现了三维螺旋结构. 2001 年, 该小组利用高倍率大数值孔径物镜并配备先进的纳米定位仪器, 制造了一个红细胞大小(10 µm 长, 7 µm 高)的公牛像——纳米牛, 成为激光三维微纳加工的标志性符号. 同时, 制备出世界上最小的弹簧振子系统, 使飞秒激光双光子的微细加工真正步入了亚微米尺度功能器件的制造阶段. 该研究在原理上首次采用飞秒激光直写技术突破了经典光学理论中的衍射极限的限制, 利用波长为 780 nm 的飞秒激光获得了 120 nm 的加工分辨率, 使利用飞秒脉冲激光的微加工技术进入了纳米尺度的新境界[1] .
虽然使用飞秒脉冲激光可以使双光子吸收几率增大, 但是, 在物质与强激光的相互作用过程中还存在如等离子、自由电子、热电子雪崩等其他的物理过程. 这些过程的发生将可能导致材料损伤, 而很多材料的抗损伤阈值远小于发生双光子吸收的光强度,因此, 改善材料本身的性质, 降低其发生双光子吸收的阈值, 限制其他可能对材料本身产生损伤的物理过程的发生也是对双光子吸收过程进行应用时所必须解决的问题.典型的双光子光聚合材料主要包括树脂聚合物单体和光敏引发剂, 其中聚合物单体是光聚合材料的主体, 双光子光聚合材料根据其聚合机理的不同,常用的有自由基聚合材料和阳离子聚合材料[1] .
Potential application 应用
Micro-Nano scale fabrication, structuring ,and 3D print
BIOS, such as imaging , fluorescence ,optical tweezer, nano-surgery
Accuracy measurement, micron absolute distance measurement
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
R&D, Medical technology, Defensed security, Aviation, Spectroscopy……
Standardized system concept
Three basic configurations
Option packages with the most common
options - ready for use
Up to two free configurable working areas
Up to two laser sources installed
Various optical set-ups
Maximal degree of freedom regarding the
positioning of the substrates
Open system concept for the integration of
different laser sources
Flexible, upgradeable control concept for
future integration of further components
Wide range of machining techniques
for processing of various materials:
2D, 3D Structuring
Designed for process development
and laboratory use, e.g. in
Photovoltaic industry
Medical technology
Organic photovoltaics
OLED processing
Nozzle drilling
Semiconductor / MEMS
Security applications
Broad range of applications
Two independent and free configurable working areas
Two laser sources simultaneous
Open system concept for the integration of different laser
sources and optical set-ups
Quick changing of work piece clamping units
Maximal degree of freedom regarding the positioning
of the substrates
Upgradeable control concept for future integration of further
Laser sources are controlled by software
Integrated power measurement system (at work piece level,
mounted on X-Y-system)
美国Uptek 公司专业从事研发、生产、定制高稳定性fs 激光器和微加工系统
等产品,其Sabray 飞秒微加工系统具有非常高的长期稳定性,灵活扩展性强,适
用于科研以及工业应用,能够365*24 小时不间断运转,每年停机换冷却水时间<5
理和3D 雕刻、触摸屏和ITO 切割以及金属、合金、半导体、碳化硅(SiC)、石墨
The Spirit 1030-100 and 1030-70 lasers set new standards for femtosecond lasers
in high-precision industrial manufacturing and pumping of non-linear OPA’s delivering
unprecedented performance for 3-photon microscopy. These lasers deliver high
average power, high pulse energy, and high repetition rates for increased throughput.
Customers benefit from the shortest industrially available pulse duration and superior
beam quality that in turn enables machining complex and challenging parts with
highest precision and quality with literally no heat affected zone (HAZ)
at the highest throughput. The Spirit 1030-100 and 1030-70 are designed for industrial
use and offer reliable and robust 24/7 operation with lowest cost of ownership.
Highest-Precision Machining of the Finest Features with Highest Throughput
Our new additions to the industry-proven Spirit platform offers impressive versatility
and performance, enabling a variety of applications. High average power (>100 W)
and high pulse energy (>100 μJ) combined with high repetition rates push
femtosecond micromachining applications to highest levels of throughput at lowest
cost-of-ownership. The user-configurable burst mode enables processing with
increased ablation efficiency, and thus increased throughput and quality for certain
materials. Pulse energy and repetition rate adjustability (single shot – 10 MHz) make
the Spirit 1030-100 the ideal source for ablation and cutting. The integrated pulse
picker offers full control of the laser output with single pulse selection and fast
power control via an analog input signal.
The integrated second harmonic generation (SHG) offers an output power of >50 W
and a typical pulse width of <300 fs at a wavelength of 515 nm. At this shorter
wavelength, machining of the finest features is possible, depending on the material,
at equal or even higher speeds compared to those obtained with other technologies.
• Polymer cutting
• Metal drilling and cutting
• Precision machining of hard
and brittle materials
• Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) cutting
and ablation
• Sapphire cutting and drilling
• 3-photon microscopy
• Optical parametric amplifier pumping
• Time resolved femtosecond spectroscopy
Monaco 1035 is an industrial femtosecond laser with a MOPA architecture.
Designed for high-uptime in 24/7 applications, the laser family
provides >80 μJ/pulse at 1035 nm. Standard repetition rates up to
50 MHz at 60 W enable current and future throughput requirements
in materials processing and microelectronics applications. Homogeneous
materials such as glass and metals, as well as complex, layered
structures for the FPD and mobile markets are readily addressed with
Monaco’s sub-350 fs pulsewidth. Additionally, on-the-fly tuning enables
variable pulsewidths to >10 ps.
• Glass Cutting and Welding
• Thin Film/Foil Cutting
• IC Package Cutting
• Medical Device Manufacturing
• OPA Pumping for Optogenetics