



Mid-infrared femtosecond frequency combs forsensing and optical clocks

发布时间:2019-07-11 06:45

Mid-infrared femtosecond frequency combs forsensing and optical clocks

Author(s): Irina T. Sorokina, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway);Evgeni Sorokin, Vienna Univ. of Technology (Austria)
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We review recent advances in frequency comb sources based on Cr2+:chalcogenidelasers, operating between 1.9 and 3.6 micron, and their applications to"frequency comb spectroscopy" and other sensing techniques. Theselasers exhibit the broadest among existing lasers continuous tuning over 1400nm and 80-fs pulses, all at ambient conditions. The lasers operate intransportable hybrid fiber-bulk form, and allow novel techniques like dual-combmethod and intracavity spectroscopy. The femtosecond frequency combs also serveas a starting point for synchroniously pumped OPOs. The talk highlights theradical efficiency increase when such sources are applied to high-resolutionmolecular spectroscopy and gas sensing.

