



Integrated multiplex CARS and two-photonfluorescence microscopy for imaging biological systems

发布时间:2019-07-11 21:46

Integrated multiplex CARS and two-photonfluorescence microscopy for imaging biological systems

Author(s): Dong Li, Wei Zheng, Jianan Y. Qu, Hong Kong Univ. of Science andTechnology (Hong Kong, China)
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A multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy that combines the multiplex coherentanti-stokes Raman scattering (M-CARS) signals with the two-photon excitationfluorescence (TPEF) has been developed. The excitation sources are afemtosecond laser and the broadband supercontinuum from photonic crystal fiber.The large non-resonant signals in the femotosecond laser excited CARS imageswas effectively suppressed by using a simple subtraction method. The nonlinearoptical signals of M-CARS, TPEF, and second harmonic generation (SHG) are simultaneouslyexcited and collected by a time- and wavelength-resolved detection capability.We demonstrate the multimodal imaging capability using the C.elegnas and 3T3-L1cells as the living biological samples.

