The high-power femtosecond pulses amplified byan all-fiber system based on the model of self-similar amplification
Author(s): Tianxin Yang, Tianhe Wang, Delin Yang, Junlong Wang, Mei Sang,Tianjin Univ. (China)
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In this paper a theoretical model of self-similar amplifications is studiedexperimentally in an all-fiber high power amplifier. The output vs. inputcharacteristics of this amplifier are measured when the various femtosecondpulses at different energies and different shapes are inputted. It is verifiedthat the all-fiber high power amplifier system is indeed operating in the wayof self-similar amplifications by analyzing the data of the amplified pulsesalong with the data of the input pulses. Finally, nearly transform-limitedultra-short pulses with high average power of 500 mW and time-bandwidth productof 0.342 are obtained by compressing the output pulses from the fiber amplifierto the ultra-short pulses of 113 fs at the center wavelength of 1552 nm using asegment of DCFs with large negative group velocity dispersion. The resultsdemonstrated that the operating mode of the amplifier is consistent with thetypical self-similar amplification model.