



Single-polarization all-solid photonic bandgapfiber incorporating point-by-point Bragg gratings

发布时间:2019-07-11 21:47

Single-polarization all-solid photonic bandgapfiber incorporating point-by-point Bragg gratings

Author(s): Ryuichiro Goto, Stuart D. Jackson, The Univ. of Sydney (Australia);Robert J. Williams, Nemanja Jovanovic, Graham Marshall, Michael J. Withford,Macquarie Univ. (Australia)
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We demonstrate Point-by-Point (PbP) fiber Bragg grating inscription into thecore of a single-polarization all-solid photonic bandgap (PBG) fiber usingfemtosecond laser pulses. The writing method does not require photosensitivityand a 20-mm-long third-order PbP Bragg grating was written into the nonphotosensitive, pure silica core of the PBG fiber. The grating strength was 7.5dB (>80% reflection) at 1064 nm. The 3-dB bandwidth of the reflection wasless than 200 pm. A 90-mm-diameter single-turn coiling of the fiber produced alarge polarization dependent loss at 1064 nm due to the single-polarizationguidance in the fiber, realizing linearly-polarized reflection.

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