



Femto second single optical fiber tweezersenabled two-photon fluorescence excitation of trapped microscopic objects

发布时间:2019-07-11 21:47

Femto second single optical fiber tweezersenabled two-photon fluorescence excitation of trapped microscopic objects

Author(s): Yogeshwar N. Mishra, Cochin Univ. of Science & Technology(India); Ninad D. Ingle, Samarendra K. Mohanty, The Univ. of Texas at Arlington(United States)
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Analysis of trapped microscopic objects using fluorescence and Ramanspectroscopy is gaining considerable interest. We report on the development ofsingle fiber femto second optical tweezers and its use in two-photonfluorescence excitation (TPE) of trapped fluorescent polystyrene beads. We willpresent theoretical simulation of femtosecond fiber optical microbeam profilesemerging from the axicon tip and the experimentally observed TPE patterns. Thecombined use of TPE and optical trapping using single fiber optical tweezerswill enable in-depth analysis of non-adherent samples.

Hollow fiber-based Raman tweezers

