



Dispersion controlled tellurite air-clad fibersfor supercontiuum generations pumped by picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasersrespectively

发布时间:2019-07-12 07:33

Dispersion controlled tellurite air-clad fibersfor supercontiuum generations pumped by picosecond and femtosecond fiber lasersrespectively

Author(s): Meisong Liao, Xin Yan, Guanshi Qin, Chitrarekha B. Chaudhari,Takenobu Suzuki, Yasutake Ohishi, Toyota Technological Institute (Japan)
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Tellurite air-clad fibers with 1 μm hexagonal core and different size of holeyregion were fabricated. The chromatic dispersion of these fibers can betailored effectively by changing the diameter ratio of holey region to core.One actave flattened SC generation, pumped by a 1064 nm picosecond fiber laserwith the pulse energy of several hundred pJ, was demonstrated. Effective secondand third harmonic generation was obtained by a 1557 nm femtosecond fiberlaser. The dependences of SC generation on the dispersion and nonlinearity wereanalyzed. Such fibers, with high nonlinearity and controlled dispersion aresignificant in nonlinear applications.

