



Course: Biomedical Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications

发布时间:2019-07-12 07:33

Instructor(s): Alexis Mendez, MCH EngineeringLLC (United States); Robert A. McLaughlin, The Univ. of Western Australia(Australia)
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This course provides a broad overview of optical fiber sensing principles andtechniques for biological and medical applications. The course is divided intotwo parts. Part I provides an introduction to fiber optic sensor (FOS)technology. This includes their operating principles, associated components(such as light sources, detectors, couplers, polarizers, etc.), and thespecialty fiber types required for biomedical sensing system integration. InPart II, a review of the major classes of biomedical fiber sensors andtechniques is made (based on VIS-UV-IR absorption, scattering, spectroscopy,fluorescence-among others), along with discussions on detection techniques,data analysis and interpretation. In addition, since some types of biomedicalFOS rely, directly or indirectly, on visual or spectral imaging, the relevantimage processing techniques and associated algorithms will also be discussed.

