Author(s): Mohamad Al Salhi, King Saud Univ. (SaudiArabia); Vijmasi Trinka, Thendrel Inc (United States); Vadivel Masilamani,Danny Rabah, Mohammed R. Turki, King Saud Univ. (Saudi Arabia)
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Cancer of prostate occurs more frequently for older men and for many of themthe malignancy is not aggressive. So a non-invasive technique of spectralscaling of virulence of malignancy is our ultimate goal. The first step isspectral discrimination of benign from malignant tumor. In this paper, we havedone fluorescence emission spectrum (FES), Stokes' shift Spectrum (SSS) andreflectance spectrum (RLS) of excised benign and malignant tumor tissues (N =15 each). The tissues were minced, washed five times and dried before loadinginto the quartz cuvette for spectral analysis. The FES was done with excitationat 325nm only; SSS with ∆λ = 70, and ∆λ = 0, the latter being equivalent to reflectance spectra. Of thethree modes of spectra, SSS with ∆λ =70nm showed thebest discrimination. There were four important bands, one at 280nm (due totryptophan); 320nm (due to elastin & tryptophan); 355 and 385 (due to NADH)and 440nm (due to flavin). From the relative intensities of these bands, threeratios were evaluated. Similarly another two ratios were obtained fromreflectance spectra and two more from FES. Thus, there are 7 ratio parameterswhich represent the relative concentration of tryptophan, elastin, NADH andflavin. A statistical analysis showed that benign and malignant tissues couldbe classified with accuracy greater than 90%. This report is only for in vitroanalysis; but employing optical fiber, this can be extended to in vivo analysistoo, so that benign tumor could be distinguished without surgery. SUMMARY: Inthis paper, we have done fluorescence emission spectrum (FES), Stokes' shiftSpectrum (SSS) and reflectance spectrum (RLS) of excised benign and malignanttumor tissues (15 each). Of the three modes of spectra, SSS showed the bestdiscrimination. There were four important bands, one at 280nm (due totryptophan); 320nm (elastin); 355 and 385 (NADH) and 440nm (flavin). From therelative intensities of these bands, three ratios were evaluated. Similarlyanother four ratios were obtained from reflectance spectra and FES. Astatistical analysis of these ratios showed that benign and malignant tissuescould be classified with accuracy of 90%.