Del MarPhotonics offer speciality optical fibers, cables, probes and various fibersystems for the broad spectral range from 200nm to 18µm. Manufactured at ISO9001:2008 certified facility specialty fiber products will satisfy the mostsophisticated customer demands. Quality is always the main priority inproduction of standard and custom design fiber cables for industrial andmedical lasers, for process-spectroscopy & remote sensing used in a verybroad spectral range.
Please inform us if we can assist you to improve your fiber system parameterswith our fiber cables, probes or bundles – for enhanced quality and cost savingin advanced and competitive solutions. Please contactus today to discuss your requirements.
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Del Mar Photonics - Newsletter Fall 2010- NewsletterWinter 2010
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Microstructured fiber with high-birefringence andlow-noncircularity mode field
Author(s): Alexander N. Denisov, Andrey E. Levchenko, Sergei L. Semjonov,Evgeniy M. Dianov, Fiber Optics Research Ctr. (Russian Federation)
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A new design of polarization-maintaining microstructured fiber will bepresented. A solid core is surrounded by two or more concentric rings of holesof constant diameter. The distance between adjacent holes in the first ring isconstant except for one or two pairs of holes, for which the spacing isincreased. It is found that the fiber of such a design can demonstrate highbirefringence (up to 5x10-3) and simultaneously low circular asymmetry of themode shape. A set of experimental samples was fabricated. The measured valuesof birefringence were in excellent agreement with the calculated ones.
100 kW peak power, single polarization, high-brightness nanosecond lasers basedon 3C optical fiber