



A portrait of jenopitk--Experts in photonics .

发布时间:2019-07-16 06:42

We are a globally operating integrated photonics group which is present in more 80 countries .

Optical technologies are the very basis of our business .

Our customers primarily include companies in the semiconductor equipment ,automotive and automotive supplier ,medical technology ,defense and security as well as the aviation industries .

in 2014, jenoptik had more than 3500 employees .

group revenue 2014 is 590.2 million euros

ebit is 51.6 million euros and ebit margin is 8.7%

a tool for the future

at jenoptik, we are able to put light to use as a tool in all of its many facets and possibilities .

we have been employing the special qualities of light to bring about excellent new products and solutions for several decades .

the significance of photonics will continue to grow dynamically in the years to come ,

and it will play a major role in boosting technological efficiency . 促进

as a crossover technology , photonics is one of main motors of innovation and economic growth today ,

and at jenoptik , we are excellently positioned to take part in this development .

what is photonics ?

photonics make use of the particular qualities of light for use in modern technical applications and solutions in virtually all important areas of industry and our lives .

the term reflects the importance of the photon , or light particle ,just as the term electronics refers to the electron .

making mobility safer

photonics lays the foundations of intelligent traffic solutions .

complex traffic movements can be recorded and large amounts of data processed in the blink of an eye .

driver assistance systems can defuse critical situations in almost real time .

photonic technologies are crucial to the implementation of futuristic mobility solutions such as automatic vehicles and pilotless air and rail traffic . 重要的 ,  未来的

precision photonics is used in the production of highly complex computer chips for countless industrial fields of application .

these chips are indeed already a major component of our everyday mobile electronics .

innovative coating process protect their surfaces better from damage , and ultrafast laser pulses provide for an improved microstructuring of sensitive materials in areas such as medical technology .

with high-precision processing methods , photonics helps to improve conventional materials while making it possible to use new materials as well .

photonics is jenoptik

a major portion of our revenues is directly related to photonics , this includes areas of importance such as 3-D materials processing , the production of high- performance microchips and medical diagnostic and therapeutic instruments , industrial metrology , sensors for modern street traffic monitoring systems , and energy-saving lighting methods as well as led display technologies .

 we augmented our outstanding expertise in optical systems , in particular with micro-optics and the development of high-end lenses for semiconductor production

Jenoptik add robot in to its production range .

The machine offers industrial manufacturers a highly flexibe , fast and cost-effective solution for processing metals .

Some companies test it ,and rely on it .

The laser product line are primarily used by international companies in the automotive industry for airbag perforation in vehicle interior paneling . 穿孔  

We receive several orders from the growth region of asia and north America worth a total of over 10million euros .

Five divisions and each of which are subdivided into several business units .

Three segments are made up of the five divisions .

Jenoptik occupies a prominent position in the market for optical systems , in 2014 , the range of integrated system solution was expanded , thereby in creasing the share of added value . we have also significantly strengthened our position in the field of micro-optic.  This has enhanced jenoptik’s established role as a development and production partner for leading companies . our core makets are the semiconductor equipment ,medical technology , defense and security technology , automotive and machine construction industries .

Rd output is 20.8million by laser and optical systems .

Ebit of laser and OS is 27million

Revenue of laser and os segment is 240.1millions

The optics business unit has stepped up its research and development capacities for system integration and nanolithography fro the production of micro-opitic . a new generation of microscope cameras is also currently close to launch .

In 2014 , futher progress was also made in the development of high performance uv lenses for semiconductor production . the use of stack-mounting technology in the new optical system is a clear response to ever-growing market requirements . the patented stress-free mounting technology of the optical elements is one feature that guarantees of maximum level of accuracy . all this boosts the performance of the optical system and has grown our market position for high-end lenses used to inspect semiconductor structures .

New led illumination systems such as the “lucid power high bay” equipped with special optics are primarily used by the logistics sector in high-bay warehouses to achieve energy saving and greater light output .

Jenoptik also supplies optical systems for new optical analysis processes , eg for endoscopies and optoelectronic system solutions in life science .

The order intake in fical 2014 rose by 13.9millions to 589.2million ,

The segment benefited from excellent demand for laser machines for plastics processing as well as optoelectronic system for medical application .

 In total ,segment generated around 73 percent of its revenue abroad , mostly in Europe ,America and asia .

As a result , the growth in revenue in asia/pacific was strong .

Modern data transmission

Reluctance to invest

