值此新年之际,LMN 2020世界激光制造大会喜讯不断。近日,两位世界著名的诺贝尔物理学家Gerard Mourou教授和Donna Stirckland教授为大会发来贺词,预祝活动成功举办。两位科学家在贺词中纷纷强调了激光技术对人类的重要性,并表示相信世界激光制造大会将为全球激光技术的发展发挥作用,此举足以印证了世界激光制造大会的全球影响力和号召力。
Gerard Mourou,2018年诺贝尔物理学奖得主之一,法国科学家,他的贡献为“产生高密度超短光学脉冲的方法”。
Laser is one of the major inventions of humans in the 20th century. After 60 years of development, it has become a powerful tool for people to perceive the world and change the world. It not only promotes the development of modern science, but also integrates into all the fields of daily life.
LMN The World Laser Manufacturing Conference 2020 has won the support of well-known associations and attracted prestigious scientists from all over the world to give speeches. I am convinced that it will be an ideal opportunity for people to know more about the technics in other countries and exchange their ideas, which will definitely benefit the development of laser technology for the whole world. Wish LMN 2020 a great success!
Prof. Gerard Mourou
Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2018
LMN 2020 世界激光制造大会获得了著名协会的支持,吸引了全世界的知名科学家与会演讲。我相信这将是一个理想的机会,让大家能更多的了解其他国家的技术,交流想法,这也必将有利于全球激光科技的发展。预祝LMN 2020取得圆满成功!
Gerard Mourou教授
Donna Strickland,2018年诺贝尔物理学奖得主之一,加拿大物理学家,历史上第三位获得诺贝尔物理学奖的女性科学家。
When Albert Einstein came up with the laser equations about simulated and spontaneous emission, could he have envisioned the laser Ted Maiman developed? I could never have imagined that a laser I helped develop would be useful in eye surgery. There is no telling what advances in laser technology are in store in the future. But the collaborations and inspiration that will no doubt emerge from LMN 2020 will undoubtedly play a part.
Prof. Donna Strickland
Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2018
当爱因斯坦提出光电效应方程时, 他是否预见了Ted Maiman将发明出激光器?我也从未想到我参与开发的激光技术有朝一日能应用于眼科手术。激光技术在将来会有多大的迈进,我们无从知晓。但毋庸置疑的是,LMN 2020所带来的协作和灵感必将发挥其作用。
Donna Strickland教授
由汉诺威米兰星之球展览(深圳)有限公司和汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司主办的LMN 2020世界激光制造大会将于2020年6月2-3日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)召开。目前,已有多位知名专家确认出席本次世界激光制造大会并作演讲,其中包括来自美国三大权威光学学会的专家,他们分别是国际光学工程学会(SPIE)主席John Greivenkamp,国际电气电子工程师学会光电子分会(IEEE Photonics Society)会长Carmen Menoni,美国光学学会(OSA)2020年候任主席Connie Chang-Hasnain。另外知名嘉宾还有美国罗切斯特大学教授郭春雷,俄罗斯科学院院士 Yuri Kulchin,新加坡光学与光子学学会 Anand Asundi以及立陶宛激光协会董事局成员 Kestutis Jasiunas。