新冠疫情物资 跨境电商平台
崔屹还是一位创业家。9年前,崔屹创办了第一家公司安普瑞斯(Amprius),生产硅负极高能锂电池;2015年,崔屹和诺奖得主、美国前能源部部长朱棣文教授共同创办了4C Air公司,生产雾霾过滤产品。
据悉,斯坦福能源中心成立于 2009 年,由校友 Jay Precourt 及其家人捐赠而成立,能源中心目前有 200 多位教授,每年的发展基金为 2000 多万美元。
11 年来,该中心一直在研究能源相关的科技、经济和政策,斯坦福七大学院包括工程学院、商学院和法学院等均有参与。此外,它不仅支持能源教育,还为在斯坦福大学、乃至全球范围内建立能源创新生态系统做出过重要贡献。
此前的三位主任,有两位已参与政府决策工作,该中心的第一任主任 Franklin Orr 教授,曾担任奥巴马政府的能源副部长;现任主任 Arun Majumdar 则是拜登政府能源部的 transition team leader。
崔屹告诉 DeepTech:“斯坦福能源中心是全世界最顶级的能源中心之一。未来我有四方面计划,第一是发明革命性清洁能源科技;第二是做好科技产业化;第三是提高学生毕业后对社会的影响力;第四是帮助制定有影响力的能源政策,以对能源经济起到指导作用。”
崔屹教授在Linkin个人主页发文称,与诺奖得主朱棣文教授(Steven Chu)合办的4C Air公司正式推出史上透气性最好且过滤效率高达95%的AireTrust KN95纳米口罩。
Founded in 2015, 4C Air is devoted to bringing clean air through innovative nanomaterials. Using technology developed at Stanford University, we are developing products and solutions for the most hazardous air pollutants, PM2.5. We have products developed for personal and home use and are actively exploring filtration for automotive, HVAC, clean room, and medical uses.
Professor of Physics and Molecular Biology, Stanford University
Professor Steven Chu known for his research regarding the cooling and trapping of atoms with laser light, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997. Afterwards, he served as the 12th United States Secretary of Energy from 2009 to 2013, where he was a vocal advocate for renewable energy and environmental research. Returning to Stanford, his group has focused on biophysics, energy, and environmental technology. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Academia Sinica, and is a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Korean Academy of Science and Engineering.
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University
Professor Yi Cui is a world-leading expert in nanotechnology, materials science, energy and environmental technology. He is a highly proliferate scientist/engineer/inventor with more than 360 research publications and more than 50 patent applications. At the age of 28, he was awarded Innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review, and he has consistently been awarded “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters. He is a Co-Director of the Bay Area Photovoltaic Consortium and a Co-Director of the Battery 500 Consortium funded by the US Department of Energy. He is a Fellow of Materials Research Society and the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.
2015 年,崔屹与朱棣文在硅谷共同创建了 4C Air 公司。当时,中国雾霾很严重,他们就此发明出纳米纤维过滤技术,还做出了过滤效率比 3M 口罩更好的口罩、以及具备过滤 PM2.5 功能的防雾霾纱窗。
图 | 崔屹与朱棣文研发的口罩
2020 年新冠疫情期间,美国口罩极度短缺,很多医护人员被迫对口罩做消毒处理,为的是能重复佩戴。为保障口罩消毒效果,4C Air 公司研制出热处理方法,在 85℃温度时使用该设备对口罩处理 20 分钟后,就能净化掉口罩织物中的 SARS-CoV-2 病毒和 RNA 病毒。他表示,目前该方法已经得到全球各地不少医生的关注。